95 Floral Drive West
Plainview, New York 11803
Tel (516) 938-8610
Fax (516) 938-2737
"It is no accident that the Jewish people call themselves “Am Yisrael“–“the people of Israel”— rather than “Dat Yisrael,” or”the religion of Israel.” A sense of peoplehood has long been the defining characteristic of the Jews. Accordingly, the central experience of Jewish history–the only event that demands an annual retelling–is the exodus from Egypt. Though wrapped up in an encounter with divinity, the exodus was primarily an experience of national liberation, rather than a moment of religious awakening.
On the everyday level, this focus on peoplehood is translated into an emphasis on the community as the primary organizing structure of Jewish life. Wherever Jews have lived, they have built synagogues, established communal organizations and created systems of communal governance" (https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/community-focused/)
JLife for Students
JLife is for students in Grades 8th through 12th.
Students meet with area teens to learn, share and socialize. The group meets 4x a year, with each experience preceded by a preparatory session with Rabbi Conn. The goal is to create engaging learning experiences while giving students having the opportunity to socialize with Jewish teens from other synagogues.
PJ Library
We are excited to be part of a program offering FREE high quality books for all Jewish children, ages 6 months to 8 years old.
This program will deliver a new book with Jewish values into your home each month so that you and your children will have the opportunity to spend quality time together.
Sign up your children now by visiting www.pjlibrary.org/ny/plainviewJC.
This program is a gift from Plainview Jewish Center and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation along with a special grant from the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.