95 Floral Drive West
Plainview, New York 11803
Tel (516) 938-8610
Fax (516) 938-2737
PJC has assembled a medical advisory committee which includes medical and public health professionals from our congregation to develop and periodically review policies to ensure that we can maintain our essential functions in a safe and responsible manner. This committee will convene regularly and make necessary adjustments to our policies in response to current developments of the pandemic and the latest advice from public health organizations. As of now we will implement the following policies:
Shabbat Services (including B’nai Mitzvah) will be in person subject to the below Covid restrictions. You may also view the services virtually on our website and Facebook livestream.
Services are open to both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.
For B’nai Mitzvahs, ushers will guide guests to seats and inform them of our policy. Signage will be displayed at the entrance to the sanctuary.
Social distancing protocols will still be in place. The blue markers and distance signs have been placed in the pew seating areas. We will not force people to move if they want to sit together but it is suggested to try and maintain distancing.
The wall separating the ballroom and the sanctuary will be open and additional seating will be provided if the attendance is larger than normal and allow for additional social distancing. Also, seating will be provided down the wall where the memorial plaques are located on the cantor’s side of the sanctuary.
Aliyot will take place from the center of the bimah as done during the High Holiday services.
Ark openings will be limited to one family unit when removing the torah and one family unit when the torah is put back in the ark after the Torah service.
Every effort will be made to announce at the end of services if we will be celebrating a simcha the following week whereby more outside guests will be expected than our normal regular attendance consisting of our Shabbat regulars. This way for those not comfortable attending they will know in advance and can make a decision prior to coming to in person services.
Social Events
Outdoor events –
All those handling foods should be masked. The people running the events should note and ask for those unvaccinated not to serve food or go from table to table while unmasked. This goes for signing in people to events or the selling of raffles, etc.
Indoor events –
Events are open to both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. During the event and throughout the building masks must be worn. Masks can be removed only when sitting down while eating and drinking at a table.
Seating at tables should be limited to small groups between 6–8 people per table.
The person running the event must announce the current protocols in effect at the beginning of the event and walk around to make sure all protocols are adhered to.
Every effort should be made to enforce social distancing and always wearing masks except when eating.
Board meetings and committee meetings can either be held at the synagogue or on zoom depending how the members of the committees feel more comfortable. We will leave it up to the chairperson of the committee to allow the option of offering a zoom participation. Check the calendar or check with the chair of the committee for more information. We do request all those planning events to please contact the Medical Advisory Committee before publicizing your event to make certain current guidance is beingfollowed.
We recognize that “social distancing” makes it difficult to accomplish the rich community-building to which we aspire at PJC. These are temporary measures to deal with the situation at hand. Should the situation change whereby the increase in number of cases due to any variant, we can modify our measures to ensure the safety and well-being of all of our congregants. Our goal is to provide a safe environment and responsible manner for all our members. We all understand everyone has their own comfort level and may or may not choose to attend.
Bruce Hymowitz
We would greatly appreciate if you would kindly refrain from parking in the handicapped and Friends of PJC reserved parking spots.
Thank you.
Rabbi Conn's Blog Post:
Rabbi Conn's newest blog post:
The Only Way to Fight Hate